Bell Ringer
Tonight was quite the night so I figured I may as well pass some of it on. As most of you know I'm running a private indoor bikepark here in Winkler and since I'm there every day not much worth mentioning happens in my life, unless of course you ride yourself, and I'm pretty sure Phil's the only one who may even read this. So about tonight, it started off really well, the boys were getting right down to business. I rode for a bit and then went to get out my laptop so I could finally catch up on some music organizing. Jeremy was sitting off to the side when I went back towards the couch so I asked what was up and he showed me the large lump he had just created on the top of his foot. He could still walk but it was starting to hurt so he decided he would go to the hospital just to be safe. Chad had just arrived but went with Jeremy anyway. About an hour later they were both back and riding, Jeremy with torn ligamints on top of his foot. So I'm sitting there moving songs around looking up every now and then to see some of the stuff the guys were doing. All of a sudden I look up to see Chad falling headfirst toward the concrete and he didn't get up right away. Immediately we were all down around him, he was moaning and wouldn't respond to anything for about 30 seconds till he slowly came back to concienceness. I wasn't too sure what exactly to do so to be safe I called 911. They sent an ambulance and we made sure Chad didn't move and was as comfortable as possible. Chad was in a pretty good frame of mind but had no idea what happened and kept asking if his face was bleeding, it wasn't. He also didn't remember going to the hospital earlier that night or getting his liscence on Monday. His Mom ended up taking him to the hospital so there wouldn't be an ambulance bill and he came by the house later to let me know he got a concussion but still wants to ride this weekend. Tough kid.
hey i'm sure me, holly, and marce are fairly regular checkers of your blog. so write more often :P. but yeah it sounds like an eventful night. and i still think you're always like...two inches away from some nasty litigation...
yeah i saw his face. yeesh. it's a little funny to think about you freaking out though.
Hey Eric, look you have 3 girls that not only read your blog, they leave comments! So I agree with Jen, update this more often. Did you get my manipulative phone message? one of these days, we should talk, since we are family! But thanks for finally updating this, love your sister
be careful eric.
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